This year, Rod and I decided to buy season tickets to the NC State basketball games. Being "empty-nesters", with the exception of Izzie, it was something we thought we would do together for fun and date nights. With the success of last season, after several "dry" years, expectations were high for this season's team. With talents like Calvin Leslie, Lorenzo Brown, Richard Howell and the others, Rod, me, and other fans were expecting a fantastic year!
It has been a good season so far with its ups and downs. We've won some and we've lost some. We've beaten both Duke and UNC but the season has not been all that some fans had hoped for, even though the Wolfpack has done very well. Some fans' expectations, while maybe unreasonable, have not been met, or so they think. And frankly, some fans have been very ugly, disgustingly ugly. Over the last week, I have read some sad, mean comments and tweets on social media. While I've had some disappointment over some games that we lost when we thought we should have won, I have been shocked at how ugly and vile and hurtful the comments have been. They love the Pack when they win and then turn on them when they lose. To me, they are not true fans AT ALL. But sadly they do represent today's "win all or else" culture.
As I was thinking about these so called fans and their comments and tweets, Jesus came to mind. I thought about how many "fans" Jesus had while he traveled from place to place, healing the sick, the blind, the lame, raising the dead and expelling demons. Many people loved him until He didn't meet their "expectations". He wasn't the one they had hoped for. He wasn't the kind of King they thought had been promised. When Jesus died, there were only three people at the foot of the cross-His mother Mary, John the Beloved disciple, and his follower Mary. Where were all of the others? Where had they gone? Why weren't they there to defend him, to support him, to cry out for him? They turned their backs on Him. Can you imagine what would have been said if facebook and twitter existed back in Jesus' time? I can only fathom what horrible things the people would have written. If Jesus, the Savior of the World, God Almighty Himself, had people turn on Him, why should the Pack expect anything less?? Why would we, Jesus' followers today, expect any less suffering?
Jesus told His disciples they would have trouble in this world but He had overcome the world. He
would have the final victory. He promised His Holy Spirit to help them and He promised that he would return one day and their grief would turn to joy.
I've enjoyed going to the games and cheering for Calvin, Zoe, Richard, Scott, Rodney, TJ and the others. But in life, basketball is of the least importance. One day this world will not exist as we know it and all they we've worked for and acquired in this world will be gone. I don't believe there will be a basketball court in heaven. What will last is what we've done for Jesus. That is what matters.
My hope for the NC State basketball players is that they will not read the rude comments of others. My hope is that they will not base their worth on how they play basketball and how many games they win or lose. My hope for them is that they will not put their hope for the future on an NBA career or on endorsements they receive.
My hope for them is that they know and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives. That they know through faith in Jesus, they will have eternal life. I pray for them that they will know this world is temporary and only what is done for Christ will last. One day, they will stand all alone before God without a basketball in their hands, without cheerleaders cheering, without fans yelling, without the pep band playing and without their Coach instructing from the sidelines. It will be only them and they will be judged only according to God's holiness, not by the comments and opinions of others. And in Christ, they have nothing to fear. Victory will be theirs! That will be the greatest "W".
Jesus told His disciples they would have trouble in this world but He had overcome the world. He
would have the final victory. He promised His Holy Spirit to help them and He promised that he would return one day and their grief would turn to joy.
I've enjoyed going to the games and cheering for Calvin, Zoe, Richard, Scott, Rodney, TJ and the others. But in life, basketball is of the least importance. One day this world will not exist as we know it and all they we've worked for and acquired in this world will be gone. I don't believe there will be a basketball court in heaven. What will last is what we've done for Jesus. That is what matters.
My hope for the NC State basketball players is that they will not read the rude comments of others. My hope is that they will not base their worth on how they play basketball and how many games they win or lose. My hope for them is that they will not put their hope for the future on an NBA career or on endorsements they receive.
My hope for them is that they know and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives. That they know through faith in Jesus, they will have eternal life. I pray for them that they will know this world is temporary and only what is done for Christ will last. One day, they will stand all alone before God without a basketball in their hands, without cheerleaders cheering, without fans yelling, without the pep band playing and without their Coach instructing from the sidelines. It will be only them and they will be judged only according to God's holiness, not by the comments and opinions of others. And in Christ, they have nothing to fear. Victory will be theirs! That will be the greatest "W".
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."