Saturday, July 19, 2014


You've probably heard the old saying, "When you come to the end of your rope,  tie a knot and hang on."  I guess this saying is supposed to inspire and encourage you to keep going, or hang on because help is on the way, or whatever trouble or frustration you are having will get better, eventually. 
Well, sometimes I am at the point on the "rope" that I don't even want to tie a knot. I may be at the end of my rope and have no energy or motivation to tie the knot. I might be angry, tired, bitter, scared, frustrated, bewildered, doubtful, emotional, disraught, etc. etc. etc. I might be so full of self-pity that I just want to keep sliding downward into the abyss.
I don't want to tie a knot, talk about it, hear advice about it, read my Bible, or even pray about it. I wouldn't even know what to pray even if I felt like praying.
So what am I to do? Well, sometimes there is nothing I can do. Nothing but leave it in the hands of God. He knows all about my "rope". He knows when I don't want to hang on. He knows when I am too weak and too weary to tie a knot. And He knows when I don't know how to pray or what to pray  or even want to pray. 
He doesn't get mad at me or turn His back on me. It's in the broken times that His presence is even closer to me. I may not feel it or see it, but He's there. His comfort is there even when I choose to deny it. And His Word reassures me that in my weakness and when I don't know how or what to pray, "the Spirit himself intercedes for (me) with groans that words cannot express." (Romans 8:26)
I may not want to tie a knot, but God is quite capable of tying the knot, with or without my cooperation. For that I am grateful.

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.
Isaiah 26:3,4